Tuesday, October 30, 2007


: 51.6kgs

Judgments: Just Do It!

The other day, unbranded interactive class guy came up to me boasting that he will dedicate the weekend to "practice running".


Don't you just naturally move your feet faster than usual to promote a run? What is there to practice? The movement of arms, co-ordinating the legs? What? Ok, i know you marathoners out there will tell me you want to refine the technique, get used to the distance and train you body etc.

Unlike other sports which you can practice, running just sounds funny. Its almost like me saying that I want to practice walking. It just doesn't work, it happened naturally for me one day when I stopped crawling. I just did it! No practice, just walked. Catch my drift?

: Sheeesh what a silly statement...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try the workout music from this blog! fantastic gym playlists for handbag and house tracks, with popular tracks from Britney, Madonna, Whitney etc. Guaranteed to keep you focused on your run or your workout, like it did for me!
